Public Relations

Focusing on Washington and Top-Tier Audiences

BGR Public Relations is a full-service communications shop that tells our clients’ stories in compelling fashion – and gets results – across all media platforms. We apply rigorous research and analytics to create bespoke, integrated strategies for traditional and digital platforms. We also find and educate constituents using databases, and craft and place advertisements that advance client issues. From interviews with important editorial boards to website design and from coalition management to social media campaigns, BGR is your solution for bipartisan PR campaigns.




Few interests undertake issue campaigns alone. Finding allies and working with them in an organized fashion is central to influencing legislation and regulation. Democracy moves when large numbers of people combine to make the case together. BGR PR understands this well and has developed an expertise in coalition management. From taxation to transportation, BGR PR has led the communications efforts of large groups of companies and trade associations. United for common purpose and with clear joint communications, the coalitions have been models of efficiency and effectiveness. Large enterprises need steady hands at the helm. BGR’s public relations lobbying team has offered that repeatedly.

BGR: Your Crisis Communications Lobbying Firm


When crisis hits, minutes matter. BGR works hand-in-glove with our clients to assess the situation and then suggest a fast-response strategy and appropriate tactics to retrieve control of the client’s narrative. As bipartisan communications lobbyists, BGR will:

  • Work to make sure our client’s views are heard in traditional media, on television and in social media.
  • Assist or take over a client’s social media presence to counteract the rumor and misinformation that bubbles up during communications vacuums.
  • With decades of experience on both sides of media crises, we advise the client when and when not to engage with the media. Even before a crisis, BGR can help you design and implement a crisis communications plan that can be instantly executed when bad news hits. Depending on the client’s preference, BGR can take a media-facing or support role during the crisis.

Digital Strategies


BGR offers a robust online and social media practice. From web development to day-to-day operations, we pride ourselves on delivering measurable results and transforming our clients into active players online. BGR can:

  • Design and maintain next-generation websites.
  • Provide content for and manage social media.
  • Craft online messages that resonate with key audiences.
  • Improve online positioning through search engine optimization.
  • Conduct online petition drives.
  • Provide detailed analytics to demonstrate what our work has actually accomplished.
  • Advise clients on the advantages of earned versus sponsored online media.
  • Execute campaigns that result in Facebook likes, Twitter retweets and YouTube views.
  • Help create and manage paid media campaigns.

Expert Advocacy Campaigns


BGR works closely with our clients to understand their goals. Together, we devise a strategy to reach those goals and select appropriate, high-impact tactics to deliver messages to the right audiences in the media, on Capitol Hill and back home.
Our team of seasoned professionals excels at creating advocacy campaigns by targeting media members and influencers across all relevant platforms. We also identify, inform, and activate citizens in key districts and states about issues that will make a difference in their lives. We design and purchase advertisements, too.

We use state-of-the-art media monitoring and analytics that tell our clients where they stand in the media landscape and what their strengths and weaknesses are. We then apply and manage the many elements of a modern campaign from survey research to media outreach and from op-ed drafting to targeted online advertising and text messaging.
We continually monitor our efforts to determine progress, doubling down on our successes and responding to vulnerabilities. Most important, senior-level BGR team members work hand-in-glove with our clients and their lobbyists.

Grassroots Management and Advertising

Grassroots Management and Advertising

BGR has a growing practice that locates and activates citizens in targeted congressional districts and states. We use databases overlaid with voter files to find constituent advocates and send them information about issues that will make a difference in their lives. The result is an outpouring of sincere, well-informed communication with government officials. This appeal to the grassroots is increasingly commonplace but is not often done well. We assist clients make this outreach respectfully and factually. As a result, we help voters express themselves directly to the people who make public policy. We also create and buy the advertisements that target audiences about our clients’ issues. Citizens can, should, and must be heard. BGR is proud to assist in that task.

Message Development


BGR prides itself on close, long-term relationships with clients. We develop an intimate knowledge of our clients and what their goals are. Through this partnership, we help our clients develop communications strategies, devise the tactics to deliver their messages to targeted audiences with precision and clarity and secure the results our clients want.

Message development starts with research. What is the client saying and is it working? What parts of a client’s message are resonating and which are not? BGR’s research and analytics team creates a baseline evaluation of a client’s message. Is the language persuasive? Are the right listeners being reached? Are there better battles to be chosen? Does it seem like there’s integrity in the ideas?

Tactics are important and clients have more tactics available to them today than ever before. We make them work for you.

Op-Eds/Interviews/Media Training


Even in the social media age, the client opinion article – or op-ed – carries enormous weight with government officials, policymakers and top-tier influencers. BGR knows how to craft a winning op-ed that will get published. We work closely with the client to find independent advocates as needed and to create high impact op-eds. We implement op-ed campaigns, targeting key audiences you want to reach in Washington, the national media, regional and trade publications and across the world.

When it’s the client’s turn to talk to a reporter or step before a camera, they will be prepared thanks to BGR’s media training. We work with clients to hone their messages. We take clients through rigorous on- and off-camera training to show them how they can more effectively and powerfully communicate their arguments.

BGR PR has placed op-eds and secured high-impact interviews in the following publications, among many others: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, The Hill, the Financial Times, and U.S. News & World Report.

Learn More About the Public Relations Team



BGR Group is a bipartisan firm that works for you in Washington, in state capitals, and around the world.