BGR Analytics

Giving clients the data they need to make their most important decisions.

Powered by our Data Science team, BGR Analytics ranks the world’s countries and U.S. states by analyzing data from multiple sources to create actionable reports that deliver unique insights and a competitive edge.


Making decisions based on data, not hunches

Data should drive every major decision a client faces today, whether it’s choosing an energy source, factory site or telling their story in Washington. The stakes are too high for these decisions to be made based on conventional wisdom, untested assumptions, instinct or anecdote.

BGR Analytics uses data-based research and proprietary methodologies to create innovative analytics tools that help clients decide where they should – and should not – spend their money.

BGR Analytics is a key asset for clients operating in a global landscape where data, network analysis and artificial intelligence play increasingly powerful roles in risk assessment, Washington advocacy and communications.

A trailblazing strategy for data analytics tools

A key differentiator – BGR Analytics Indexes incorporate digital sources like online news and social media along with data from traditional categories.

Online reputation and social media conversations have become vital parts of risk analysis and advocacy strategy and are integral to comprehensive risk assessment.

BGR ensures your data analytics report covers all the bases and delivers key data points necessary to make confident and advantageous decisions


For a consultation on any BGR Analytics product along with pricing information for customized reports, please contact BGR PR Principal Frank Ahrens at