
BGR Thanks Summer ’22 Clerk Class

BGR summer clerks 2022-2

Thank you to our team of clerks for their hard work this summer! Pictured with BGR Founding Partner Governor Haley Barbour are:

First Row (Left to Right):

  • Claire Chou, Georgetown University
  • Mary Beth Muslow, Tulane University
  • Jasmine Caruthers, University of South Carolina School of Law

Back Row (Left to Right):

  • Roee Tenne, George Washington University
  • Anna Eager, University of Wisconsin Law School
  • Christian Dopico, George Washington University
  • Christy Charbonnet, College of Charleston
  • Tristan Whitaker, American University
  • Olivia Campbell, University of Maryland
  • Jackson Buttler, Wake Forest University

Not Pictured: Max Summer, George Washington University; Skylar Rubin, Elon University


BGR Group is a bipartisan firm that works for you in Washington, in state capitals, and around the world.